






The Usefulness of IELTS and TOEFL Compared to CET-6 and CET-8The CET-6 and CET-8 are two important English proficiency tests in China, but their usefulness is limited. The CET-8 is considered to be a highly specialized test, but it has almost no practical value. On the other hand, the IELTS and TOEFL are recognized globally and have great practical value.Many Chinese students who have passed t


he CET-8 have found that their English proficiency is still far from satisfactory, and they often struggle to communicate effectively with native speakers. While they may have memorized Shakespearean sonnets and Bacon's essays, they still tend to rely on Chinese thinking patterns to understand what native speakers are saying, and then translate their responses back into English.This is where the


IELTS and TOEFL stand out. These two tests are based on practical usage of English and require test-takers to use English in a more natural way. They test not only vocabulary and grammar, but also the ability to use English in different contexts. For example, the IELTS test includes a variety of accents and dialects, so test-takers need to be able to understand and respond to different English sp


eakers. The TOEFL test is similar in that it requires test-takers to use English in academic settings and in different communicative contexts.In daily life and in the workplace, the ability to use English effectively is critical. For instance, writing effective emails, communicating with clients in business settings, and making formal presentations all require a high level of English proficiency


. The IELTS and TOEFL tests prepare students for these real-world situations.Although the IELTS and TOEFL tests are often compared and contrasted, they are both highly recognized by universities and employers worldwide. Many top universities in the United States, including all of the Ivy League schools, accept IELTS scores. In addition, more than 98% of universities in the United Kingdom accept


TOEFL scores. The trend is toward recognizing both tests as viable measures of English proficiency, rather than pitting one against the other.Therefore, for students who want to improve their English proficiency and prepare for their future academic and professional endeavors, it is recommended that they take the IELTS or TOEFL tests, rather than relying solely on the CET-6 or CET-8. These globa


l tests offer a more practical and useful way to learn English and communicate effectively in the real world.The differences between the TOEFL and IELTS exams mainly lie in their exam formats and question types. The TOEFL exam is more academic in nature and requires test-takers to have the ability to read and type for a long period of time on a computer screen. On the other hand, the IELTS exam ha

s a variety of question types and requires test-takers to be familiar with all of them. Additionally, the IELTS speaking section involves a face-to-face conversation with an examiner, which can be nerve-wracking for some test-takers.As for the hierarchy of English language certifications, there is no definitive answer. It is important to note that while these certifications can demonstrate profi

ciency in English, they do not necessarily reflect real-life language skills. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on improving practical English abilities and not just aim for certifications.In terms of the four language exams mentioned, each has its own value and significance depending on one's academic or career goals. For instance, the TOEFL exam is often required for admission to American univ

ersities, while the IELTS exam is more commonly used for immigration purposes to English-speaking countries. The CET-4 and CET-6 exams are mandatory for Chinese students, while the CATTI exam is essential for those working in translation and interpretation fields in China.In conclusion, instead of looking at these language exams as a hierarchy, it is more beneficial to view them as tools to achi

eve specific goals. It is important to focus on improving one's practical English abilities instead of solely relying on certifications.鑫泉留学,一家拥有20年历史的金牌机构,一直以来致力于为学子提供优质的留学服务。为了践行服务承诺,鑫泉留学不断延伸海外服务,在美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大等国与成熟机构建立合作,以实现海外服务资源共享,让学生在国外也可以感受到家的温暖。除了留学服务外,鑫泉移民也是鑫泉教育集团下的重要业务版块,提供专业、稳妥的移民服务,业务遍及北美及欧洲等地,是您选择全球宜居之地的优质伙伴。


