
Q: Which family member is the closest to you?

A: My father is the most important person for me in my family. Because we are the only men in the family, we often have the same ideas about many things. I also like to share some interesting things with him. Whenever I have a problem, he is always the first one to help me solve it by giving advice or taking direct actions. He has provided a good living condition and a great educational opportunity for me since I was a child. I love my father very much.


take actions 采取措施

living condition 生活条件、居住环境

educational opportunity 教育机会



The closest family member to me is… 我最亲近的家庭成员是……

When being together with relatives, we spend time (doing)… 和亲人们在一起的时候,我们会(做) ……(family和relative的区别: family指直系亲属,例如爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶,而relative指指叔叔阿姨舅舅等)

I visit my family during public holidays since… 我在公共假期回去看家人,因为……

We reunite during special festivals such as… 我们在特殊的节日里团聚,比如…… (unite“欢聚、团聚”=get together, unite表示“连接起来”,前缀re-表示“再一次”,合到一起就是“再一次连接起来”也就是“团聚”)

My mother/father is the most important person for me in my family since she/he… 我的妈妈/爸爸是我最重要的家人,因为她/他……

