






当前写作是综合写作+独立写作两个部分组成,共计55mins,据网传的改版方向,之后会保留综合写作的部分,但是独立写作会变成学术性讨论题(discussion board question),这个题型其实来源于TOEFL Essentials。







1. 先分析题干要求

The test-taker must read the question posted by the professor and the two student responses. Finally, they should write their own response which addresses the question and adds to the conversation.


而我们输出的作文需要的是,不仅表达自己的立场(address the question),而且分析两个npc学生的response(adds to the conversation)。



2. 再看例题中教授的发言

教授:Today we’re going to talk about the debate between economic growth and protecting the environment. Economic growth creates new jobs and gives people money they can use to improve their lives. On the other hand, if we protect the environment it can be enjoyed both by ourselves and future generations. If you had to choose between prioritizing economic growth or protecting the environment, which one would you choose. Why?


仔细的你一定会发现,这个题目就脱胎于现行托福的独立写作题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Because economic growth is so important for modern societies, economic growth should not be slowed down by concerns about environment.

所以,其实独立写作没有消失,只是换了个方式继续陪伴(zhe mo)大家。

3. 再看两个npc学生的发言

Alex: I would prioritize the environment. We only have one planet and if we don’t take care of it, we won’t have pleasant lives in the future. Economic growth can be important, but not at the expense of the environment. I think we need to shift towards more environmentally-friendly economic practices, such as investing in renewable energy and promoting environmentally-friendly technologies. We’ll all live much healthier lives if the world around us is clean.

Maggie: While I agree with Alex that environmental sustainability is important, I think that
economic growth is the only way to solve many of the social and economic problems we face. We need a strong economy to create jobs, reduce poverty, and improve standards of living. Not only that, but if companies grow stronger and more profitable, they might eventually develop new technologies that solve our environmental problems.



4. 最后分析sample answer

Sample Answer: I strongly agree with Alex’s idea that our lives will be unpleasant if we focus entirely on economic growth. I would add that if the environment is damaged by industrial development we’ll be more likely to suffer from things like cancer and lung disease. Maggie raised the relevant point that we can count on profitable companies to solve problems using new technology, but she doesn’t mention that they might arrive far too late to be of use. For example, it might take decades for a company to create a clean energy source, but people are suffering from environmental problems right now. Overall, then, I’d say that companies and governments should prioritize the environment right now.


1. 表明自己的立场

2. 补充argument

3. 指出反方的逻辑漏洞

4. 重申立场

5. 总结





TOEFL Writing Academic Discussion Question NO.2: Artising

The test-taker must read the question posted by the professor and the two student responses. Finally, they should write their own response which addresses the question and adds to the conversation.

Professor: Today, we’re discussing the ethics of targeted advertising. Some people argue that online advertising which uses personal information to target specific people is an invasion of privacy. Others argue that it’s simply an acceptable way to reach consumers with products and services they’re interested in. What’s your take? Do you think targeted advertising is ethical, or is it an invasion of privacy?

Jessica: I think targeted advertising is an invasion of privacy. Advertisers shouldn’t be able to track and use our personal information to sell us products. It’s not fair to consumers, and it’s a violation of our rights. Instead, advertisers should focus on creating high-quality ads that appeal to a broad audience.

Mike: I disagree with Jessica. I think targeted advertising is ethical. It’s a more efficient way to reach consumers with products and services that are relevant to their interests. Plus, consumers can always opt-out of targeted advertising by adjusting their privacy settings. As long as advertisers give users a choice, I think targeted advertising can be beneficial for both businesses and consumers.

「Sample Answer」

I really like Mike’s idea thatwe can just opt-out of targeted advertising if we don’t like it.I’d add thatit is extremely easy to do this nowadays, as Internet browsers are very user friendly.Jessica raised the relevant point that companies should create advertisements that appeal to a broad audience, but she didn’t mention how difficult it is to make advertisements like that. Society is more diverse than ever before, so it is almost impossible to create messages that everyone finds attractive. Small companies without large advertising and research budgets might go out of business if they are prevented from using cheap and effective targeted advertising. Overall, then, I would say that targeted advertising is perfectly acceptable.




1. Social Media社交媒体(脸书,推特,ins,以及我们的微博,pyq等,是好是坏)

2. Grading Students学生成绩评定(要不要给学生打分,脱胎于TPO71独立写作:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn.)

3. Taxing Unhealthy Products给不健康的食物征税(TPO53综合写作讨论过类似问题,阅读部分给出三个支持的理由,听力部分反对)

4. AI人工智能(是有用的工具,还是对人类社会有伤害)

5. Longevity长寿(哪些因素促进人类平均寿命增长)

6. University Spending学校开支(投资建设图书馆等学术项目,还是运动馆等体育项目。脱胎于现有独立题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of money to their students' sports activities as they give to their university libraries.)

7. City Spending市政开支(如何支出可以提升居民生活质量,脱胎于现有独立题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities (like playgrounds, public swimming pool. )

8. Corporate Impact企业对社会的影响


其他的,则对考生们的knowledge of the world提出更高要求,包括人工智能,企业影响,人类寿命,社交媒体等。如果缺乏这些话题相关的知识储备,恐怕很难在10分钟内写出有逻辑且有内容的作文。


I strongly agree with [student]’s idea that [mention one point made by the student].

I’d add that [expand on the point with your own idea].
[Other student] raised the relevant point that [mention one point made by the other student], but he/she didn’t mention that [challenge that point].

For example [elaborate on your challenge].
Overall, then, I’d say that [directly answer the question].

