

Words & Phases 单词与术语

会计 Accounting

财务会计 Financial Accounting

管理会计 Management Accounting

成本会计 Cost Accounting

私业会计 Private Accounting

公众会计 Public Accounting

注册会计师 CPA (Certified Public Accountant)

工作内容 Job Description

成本核算与月结 cost accounting and monthly balance

成本相关报表编制与分析 cost related statement preparation and analysis

资产管理及定期资产盘点 asset management and periodic asset inventory

产品定额分析 product quota analysis

产品结构分析 product structure analysis

产品订单分析与核查 product order analysis and verification

账务处理 accounting treatment

存货资产管理 management of inventory assets

挂账 buyer buying on credit

采购价格维护 purchase price maintenance

供应商往来对账 account checking with suppliers

发票管理 invoice management

日常费用的报销 daily reimbursement

日常现金收支及盘点 daily cash payment and inventory

编制日报 statement preparation of daily report

银行存款余额调节表 bank reconciliation

